Exhibition—”Che photographer, an artist named Ernesto Guevara”

Prensa Latina reports that the traveling exhibition “Che Fotógrafo, un artista llamado Ernesto Guevara” [Che photographer, an artist named Ernesto Guevara] was recently inaugurated at the Oscar Fernández-Morera Art Gallery in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba.

[. . .] Composed by a wide collection of images, the exhibition is welcomed in this town, founded in 1514. The attendees will discover through the snapshots taken in different stages in the life of the Argentine-Cuban guerrilla (1928-1967), including those photos taken in Cuba since 1959, and those of his travels through countries of the world.

Sancti Spíritus is the third of the country’s provinces to receive this exhibition, preceded by the Villa Clara and Cienfuegos also centrals, according to Jorge Luis López, president of the Provincial Council of Plastic Arts.

Che photographer, an artist named Ernesto Guevara, is sponsored by the National Council of Fine Arts and the Ministry of Culture. For years it has been traveling the world, while Santa Clara (Villa Clara) was chosen for the first exhibition in Cuba, the city where the memorial that protects his remains is erected along with other combatants of the guerrilla feat in Bolivia, in 1967.

Known as Che Guevara or simply Che, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was a revolutionary with whose life, actions and thoughts are identified by thousands of people in the world.

For more information, see https://www.plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=63376&SEO=che-photographer-exhibition-opens-in-cuba and https://www.prensa-latina.cu/index.php?o=rn&id=402347&SEO=inauguran-exposicion-che-fotografo-en-el-centro-de-cuba

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