A Lovely Caribbean Centipede I was once Bitten By


I just found this article on this lovely creature, which I remember for once biting me acutely painfully and unforgettably on the foot.

The Amazonian giant centipede (Scolopendra gigantean), also known as the Peruvian giant yellow-leg centipede, can be found in areas of the Caribbean and South America. Its range includes Saint Thomas, Grenada, Jamaica, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the island of seychelles Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, the Trinidad Islands, and western and northern regions of South America. It prefers a habitat within tropical or subtropical rain forests, red orbit.com reports.

The Amazonian giant centipede can reach an average body length of ten inches, although some individuals have been as large as twelve inches, making this one of the largest members of the Scolopendra genus. Its body is distinctly marked, showing 21 to 23 segmented areas. Each area holds two long legs, which allow the centipede to move quickly when hunting or in danger. Like other centipedes, this species has two sharp forcipules located on the head. It does not have good eyesight and depends on its antennae to locate prey and objects around it.

The Amazonian giant centipede is noted for being flighty and will not hesitate to run if it feels threatened. Is also known for its extreme aggression when finding food, and for its carnivorous diet. It will consume whatever it can catch, with prey items including insects and vertebrates like frogs, snakes, lizards, mice, birds, and bats. When hunting bats, it may climb walls to reach the ceiling of a cave, where it will latch onto a bat while hanging on by a few legs to the ceiling. No matter the prey type, this species will use its forcipules to inject a toxin into its food and then cut into the food to consume it.

The Amazonian giant centipede has highly toxic venom that can quickly kill small prey. This venom, although not deadly to humans, can cause severe swelling, pain, and redness and even chills, weakness, and fever.

For the original report go to http://www.redorbit.com/education/reference_library/science_1/myriapods/1112772136/amazonian-giant-centipede-scolopendra-gigantean/

5 thoughts on “A Lovely Caribbean Centipede I was once Bitten By

  1. Iv had twitchy legs since being bitten by one of these and felt itchy and nerv tenderness is this effect likly to subside or shall I seek medical help ?


  2. Hello, anyone know is the balck color and a long centipede are toxic or no? casue i was bitted by it and I began to feel bad, and some pills to get rid of this pain! Thanks!


  3. Hi there u 2 tropic fellows,
    I’m originated from barbados and we have a whole bunchof black centipedes there as i know centipedes do not really have a life threatening poison in their “teeth” just through factors like pollution & their strong capability to bite can of course feel dangerous, tho it balances because the poison of the young (little ones) can cause serious headache through their fresh toxin while the big ones sting is very intense if u start feeling bad and its getting worse than just the pulsing pain u feel at the area It bit u, go to a doc for antibiotics
    after all Its just a species we have to live with like flies or moskitos, don’t be too scared otherwise u’ll be a magnet for such things, i hope the fear of death by centipedes has been taken away, its only life threatening for babies aslong no medic in reach i hope this information was helpfull


  4. The poison is painful but not lethal there’s 1 registered death of a 4 year old (venezuela the centipede was inside of a open soda can).


  5. I was bitten on my shoulder by a centipede in Bequia and the wound took 4 months to heal. It jumped from a tree at Frangipani bar.It was a.vey.painful bite.


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