Hew Locke: Memorials, Monuments & Memory Lecture Series

[Many thanks to Veerle Poupeye (Critical.Caribbean.Art) for bringing this item to our attention.] Roanoke College will host artist Hew Locke, who will be talking about his practice and his public art projects. See link below to find out more and to register for this Webinar. This event will take place on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, at 12:00pm (EST) / 5:00pm (GMT).

Description: Roanoke College is partnering with Creative Time, an internationally renowned nonprofit arts organisation. Sponsored by the Center for Studying Structures of Race, the Memorials, Monuments & Memory Lecture Series brings to campus a number of artists, architects, and scholars whose work addresses the role of monuments and memorials in society.

Hew Locke RA is a Guyanese-British sculptor and contemporary artist. Born in Edinburgh in 1959, he spent his formative years (1966-80) in Guyana before returning to the UK with an ambition to study art.

Locke explores the visual language of power, how different nations fashion their identities through visual symbols of authority, and how these representations are altered by the passage of time. These explorations have led Locke to a wide range of subject matters, imagery and media, assembling sources across time and space in his deeply layered artworks.  Coats-of-arms, public statuary, heroic portraiture, trophies, weaponry, shipping and the costumes and regalia of state are some of the things appropriated in Locke’s sculptures, wall-hangings, installations and photographs.

In March this year, his Duveen Hall Commission for Tate Britain, The Procession, was unveiled to great praise, and in September his work Gilt was unveiled as the Façade Commission for The Metropolitan Museum in New York. During this year’s Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, Locke’s temporary re-dressing of the historic statue of Queen Victoria, Foreign Exchange, rose over the main square, depicting a boat carrying five smaller replica statues of Victoria, wearing helmets, reminiscent of that worn by Britannia and medals signifying battles in the history of the British Empire.  His public sculptures include The Jurors, permanently sited at Runnymede to commemorate 800 years of the Magna Carta.  Locke is regularly featured with solo presentations in international exhibitions and Biennales globally, including in China, India, the Americas and Europe. [. . .]

To find out more and to register for this Webinar, go to https://www.roanoke.edu/…/creative_time_presents_hew_locke

For more information, contact Dr. Jesse Bucher, bucher@roanoke.edu

[Photo above by Max McClure: Detail from Hew Locke’s “The Jurors” (2015). For more information, see https://www.situations.org.uk/projects/magna-carta/.]

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