Commemorating and (Re) Thinking Slavery in the Netherlands


Under the theme “(Her)denk mee, het is onze geschiedenis en onze toekomst: Herdenkingsbijeenkomst Slavernijverleden [“Let’s commemorate and rethink–It’s our history and our future: A Commemoration of Slavery], the Rotterdam Historical Society extends and invitation to reflect on slavery—past, present, and future—on June 26, 2013. The commemoration will help people reflect on the questions: “What do we remember” and “Why do we remember?” [Many thanks to Francio Guadeloupe for bringing this item to our attention. And thanks to Peter Jordens for correcting my awkward translation from the Dutch.]

On July 1, 2013, we remember that in 1863 slavery was abolished in the Netherlands. To commemorate the past and solemnly reflect on an event is an active experience. It includes a calling to give through knowledge, knowledge to share with one another.

A memorial meeting will be held on June 26 for the Commemoration of Slavery starting at 4:30 pm at City Hall. With a welcome by the president of the Foundation Past, Shared Future, Kenneth Robinson, there will be a series of events, including participation of:
• Opening performance by singer-songwriter Rosie Ntjam
• Roundtable led by Remco Oosterhoff and Alice Fortes, with the following participants: Alex Stipriaan (History), Francio Guadeloupe (Anthropology) and Teana Boston-Mammah (Sociology), answering the questions: “What we remember and why we remember?”
• Presentation of the book “How Deep is the Pain” to Mayor Ahmed Abou Taleb and Rotterdam Youth Council Chairman Frank de Vries
• Acknowledgement by Mayor Ahmed Abou Taleb
• Closing by singer-songwriter Rosie Njtam

Participation in the meeting is free of charge. Registration is recommended via email to stating your name.

For more information, contact the Shared Past Common Future Foundation [Stichting Gedeeld Verleden, Gezamenlijke Toekomst]: Wim Reijnierse (06-4055 5887).

[Image above: Slavery Memorial at Oosterpark in Amsterdam.]

For full description (in Dutch), see

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