ICS Lecture: “The Role of the Non-State Sector in Establishing Social and Solidarity Economy in Cuba”


As part of Conferencias Caribeñas 12 Series, the Institute of Caribbean Studies at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras invites the academic community and the public at large to the lecture “El rol del sector no estatal en el establecimiento de una economía solidaria y social en Cuba” [The Role of the Non-State Sector in Establishing Social and Solidarity Economy in Cuba] by Dr. Julia Sagebien (Business Administration, Dalhousie University, Canada). Prof. Santos Negrón Díaz (Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Planning and Economy, UPR-RP) will comment the lecture.

The activity will be held on Thursday, Thursday, March 14, from 1:00 to 3:30pm, at the Manuel Maldonado Denis Amphitheatre in the Carmen Rivera de Alvarado Building (CRA 108), School of Social Sciences, UPR-RP.

Description: Cuba is exploring comparative experiences that will lead to a renewal of its economic model. Vietnam’s move towards markets and the ALCA countries’ move towards Socialism suggest a middle ground on which to base its current liberalization of its domestic market within a socialist framework. In this paper, we argue that two other comparative experiences merit attention. One is the experience of the Social and Solidarity Economy [Economía Social y Solidaria], which consists of companies with social responsibility. The other model is Inclusive Market Development, which promotes sustainable development through productive activity. These experiences provide some paths and resources for the development of a non-state enterprise sector (Empresas No Estatales— ENE) and the transformation of a segment of this sector to business enterprises with simultaneous economic, social, and environmental goals. The development of a sector of Social and Solidarity Economy would enable the rapid growth of a non-state enterprise sector, while safeguarding the achievements of the Revolution.

All lectures will be broadcast LIVE online through the following website: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cc71***

Comments and suggestions on the presentation will be welcome at iec-ics@upr.edu

For further information, you may call Dr. Humberto García Muñiz, Director, at (787) 764-0000, extension 4212, or write to iec@uprrp.edu

Also see The Institute of Caribbean Studies on FACEBOOK

Photo above from http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Americas/Latin-America-Monitor/2011/1021/New-optimism-in-Cuba-about-economic-reforms-Freedom-House-study-reveals

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