Call for Papers: Historical and Contemporary Conjunctures (CSA)

Here is a call for papers for the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) journal, Caribbean Conjunctures. The theme for the forthcoming issue is “Historical and Contemporary Conjunctures: Knowledge, Culture, Politics, Activism, Creativity.” The paper submission deadline has been extended to November 1st.

Description: The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) is publishing an issue of its refereed journal Caribbean Conjunctures, with the broader overarching theme of “Historical and Contemporary Conjunctures.” A conjuncture or conjunctural moment occurs when unlikely incidents come together at a particular time to create another series of institutional and political changes that were only imagined before. These conjunctures have meaning as well, because of “the contradictory ground on which new interrelationships and interdependencies are being created across the boundaries of nationhood and region, with all the forms of trans-national globalization that have come to dominate the contemporary world” (Stuart Hall, Caribbean Reasonings, 284).

The combination of violence (of nature, of human beings, of social conditions); contradictory visual representations; consistent and sometimes deferred activism; and yet joy, creativity, resistance, and transformation have been consistent features of the Caribbean experience. Above all, the Caribbean is recognized as the producer of “emancipatory thought and practice,” still radiating outwards across the Americas and impacting global theoretical landscapes. Some of these contradictory tendencies have been themes of the last five conferences: “Culture and Knowledge Communities” (Nassau, 2017); “Education, Culture and Emancipatory Thought in the Caribbean (Cuba, 2018); “The Caribbean in the Times of Tempest” (Santa Marta, Colombia, 2019); “Identity Politics, Industry, Ecology and the Intelligent Economy in Caribbean Societies” (Georgetown, Guyana, 2020); “Reframing Caribbean Influences on Global Spaces: Critically Engaging Perspectives on Human Geography and Risks, Political Economy and Technology” (Kingston, Jamaica, 2022). These conjunctural moments help us rethink connections that were perhaps always there, but also imagine new connections and disconnections that identify the Caribbean, as we try to understand the nature of our continuously unfolding experience.

CSA invites papers that engage any aspect of these themes, as well as contributions that highlight issues emanating from the themes of the last conferences, inclusive of those presented in one of these fora or generated by those exchanges. CSA welcomes papers that establish new or hidden connections, that examine how connections are imagined or that explode accepted connections: e.g., the environment and issues of climate change, the nature of violence on black bodies, the ways that we produce knowledge, the ways that culture and economics intersect or diverge.

Submission Platform:

Guest Editor for this CSA Journal’s Issue: Prof. tavis d. jules 

Paper Submission Period: Please submit your papers by November 1st.

For submission guidelines visit:

For more information or questions contact:

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