New Journal/Inaugural Issue: “PerspectivasAfro”

[Many thanks to Peter Jordens for bringing this item to our attention.] PerspectivasAfro: Revista de investigaciones en estudios afrolatinoamericanos y afrocaribeños is a new, open Access journal produced by the University of Cartagena [Universidad de Cartagena] in Cartagena, Colombia. Volume 1, Number 1 (2021) is now available.

Edited by Silvia Valero, this issue includes (among others):

Eduardo Restrepo: ¿Negro o afrodescendiente? Debates en torno a las políticas del nombrar en Colombia / Black or Afro-descendant? Debates around the Politics of Naming in Colombia]

Orlando Deávila: Entre lo tradicional y lo translocal: discursos raciales en Cartagena después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial / Between Tradition and Transnationalism: Racial Discourses in Cartagena after World War II

Elena Oliva “Queremos nuestra emancipación y la conseguiremos”: mujeres en la prensa negra/afro de Cuba y Uruguay durante la primera mitad del siglo XX / “We Want our Emancipation and we Will Achieve it”: Women in the Black / Afro Press of Cuba and Uruguay during the First half of the 20th Century

Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger: Papiamento-Estrategias y Négritude en Curazao: Cola Debrot y Frank Martinus Arion / Papiamentu-Strategies and Négritude in Curaçao: Cola Debrot and Frank Martinus Arion

Michael Handelsman “Ain’t I a Woman?” Poéticas de (re)existencia en algunas poetas afrocolombianas /
“I’m not a woman?” Poetics of (Re) Existence in some Afro- Colombian Poets

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