Call for Submissions: Global Film Initiative Summer 2012 Feature Film Grants

Holly Bynoe informs us that the Global Film Initiative Granting Program (in San Francisco, Califormnia) has announced a Call for Applications for the Summer 2012 cycle of its narrative feature film production grants program. In its continuing effort to promote original storytelling by individuals from around the world, the program is accepting applications for feature-length, narrative film projects in all stages of production by directors from eligible nations of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Oceania. Applications may be submitted from May 15, 2012 through July 16, 2012, and granting decisions are announced in October 2012.

Description: The Global Film Initiative’s Granting Program awards fifteen to twenty grants per year, of up to $10,000 each, to filmmakers whose work exhibits artistic excellence, authentic self-representation and accomplished storytelling. Funds received from grants are used to support completion of film production and to subsidize post-production costs such as laboratory and sound mixing fees, and access to advanced editing systems.

For applications, eligibility requirements, and granting guidelines, see

For detailed information and application guidelines (and still from Jamaican director Nile Saulter’s ‘The Young Sea’ shown above), see

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