‘Are We the Future of Puerto Rico? Or Are We Not?’


A  video published by the Facebook page of Por el amor en el caserío [For the love of the housing project] shows 13-year-old David Santiago Román, a resident of the Luis Llorens Torres housing project [shown above] in San Juan, Puerto Rico, giving the island’s current governor, Alejandro García Padilla, some advice about how to make life in U.S. territory better for children. The video—which has gone viral, with 22,000 shares and 8,000 likes 6 days after it was posted—is in Spanish. I have taken the liberty of modifying the translation supplied by the Latino Rebels blog. See video and original post in the link below:

My name is David Santiago Román. I am 13 years old. I live in the Luis Llorens Torres projects. I have a brief opinion for my friend, the Governor of Puerto Rico. Why not invest more money in sports and the arts? Right now, I am bored. What does boredom cause? Evil. Violence. Robbing. So many bad things. And this is not something that I want to happen in Puerto Rico. Imagine, from the time one is very little, if you were taught how to value good things, we wouldn’t have time to value bad things. That’s how we can grow up as decent men and women. It would be great if you spent more on sports, the arts and theater! Imagine that. That’s my humble opinion and I hope you take it to heart. We the future of Puerto Rico. Or are we not?

For full post and video, see http://www.latinorebels.com/2014/09/15/teenage-boy-to-gov-garcia-padilla-in-viral-video-are-we-the-future-of-puerto-rico-or-are-we-not/

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