New Book: “Haiti since 1804”

Alex Dupuy’s Haiti since 1804: Critical Perspectives on Class, Power, and Gender was published earlier this year by Rowman & Littlefield (February 2024). Anton Allahar (Professor Emeritus, Sociology, University of Western Ontario) explains, “Alex Dupuy is today’s leading scholar on Haiti. This volume builds on his critical understanding of Haiti’s tortured colonial and neo-colonial histories and links the country’s current crisis to the ongoing actions of imperialist forces and its continuing underdevelopment along lines of class, race, and gender. The failed state and endemic crime situation are brilliantly treated. A must read!”

Description: Leading scholar Alex Dupuy investigates themes of class, power, and gender in Haiti in the capitalist world-economy—from independence and indemnity to the US occupation and current crisis after the assassination of President Moïse. This book provides new perspectives on Haiti’s political economy since independence and demystifies major forces that shape Haiti today.

In addition to the controversial indemnity, Dupuy looks at how the United States supplanted France as the major power occupying Haiti from 1915-34 and influenced Haiti’s economic and political development. Its policies and those imposed by international financial institutions transformed Haiti into the supplier of the lowest-paid labor, particularly in export assembly industries comprised mostly of women. In the present day, criminal gangs have plunged Haiti into an unprecedented political, economic, and security crisis since the assassination of Moïse, and Prime Minister Ariel Henri has called for foreign intervention to restore order.

Alex Dupuy is John E. Andrus Professor of Sociology, Emeritus at Wesleyan University. He is an internationally recognized scholar and specialist on Haiti and has given interviews and written commentaries on local, national, and international radio and television networks, including Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN and The Agenda with Steve Parkin on Toronto Public TV.

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