Caribbean Digital Scholarship Collective Proposals 2023-24

The Caribbean Digital Scholarship Collective has opened two calls for proposals, projects, and papers this summer. These CFPs pertain to their 2023-24 microgrant program and upcoming TCD X conference. Kesewa John (UCL Institute of the Americas) shares a description of the projects:

This is our second annual microgrant program, dedicated to supporting digital scholarship in and about the Caribbean and its diasporas. The deadline for our Microgrant CFPs is September 15, 2023. The CDSC Microgrant welcomes applications from original digital humanities and digital scholarship projects at any stage, from inception to currently in development. Further details can be found on our program page:

As for our TCD X conference, The Caribbean Digital (TCD) is an annual international event, held in locations in the United States and the Caribbean since 2014 and has created a singular and consistent space of exchange for Caribbeanist digital scholars, consisting of traditional panels, roundtable conversations, skills-building workshops, and project show-and-tells. The TCD calls for papers and proposals are due 31 August 2023.

Both traditional conference papers and integrally multimedia presentations are welcome in any of the languages of the Caribbean. We also welcome virtual synchronous participation by presenters who cannot travel to Connecticut to attend the event.

Abstracts of 250 words and a short bio should be sent to Alex Gil, Kaiama L. Glover, and Kelly Baker Josephs ( by 31 August 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by 30 September 2023. Further information surrounding TCD X can be found on the TCD website. [. . .]

For more information, see

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