Martinican historian Sabine Andrivon-Milton appointed to the Order of Arts and Letters

Martinique La1ère (FranceTV) reports that Martinican historian Sabine Andrivon-Milton was appointed Chevalière des Arts et des Lettres [Knight of Arts and Letters] by France’s Ministry of Culture.

Sabine-Andrivon Milton has just been named to the Order of Arts and Letters. A specialist in Martinican military history, she is known for having restored the memory of veterans, whose names had never been inscribed on the island’s war memorials. The many games she has created offer a playful discovery of our territory.

“I am honored,” reacted Sabine Andrivon-Milton this Tuesday (July 4). Last week, the historian had the pleasure of learning that she had been named to the Order of Arts and Letters, an honorary decoration in the field of French culture. This distinction rewards the historical works of Sabine Andrivon-Milton, but also the many board games she has created with the aim of placing the history of Martinique within everyone’s reach.

Restoring the memory of Martinican soldiers

Born in Fort-de-France in 1970, the historian is particularly known for having restored the memory of local veterans. During her research, she discovered that the names of 150 Martinicans who died for France during World War I had never been inscribed on the island’s war memorials. Since 2005, the municipalities have gradually rectified the situation. Thanks to the perseverance of Sabine Andrivon-Milton, other towns that simply did not have a war memorial were able to create one.

Only Martinican woman nominated this year

For her work, Sabine Andrivon-Milton had already been named woman of the year by the listeners of Martinique la 1ère in 2011, as well as Commander of the Citizen Reserve of the Army in 2018. She had also been decorated with the order National Merit Award in 2013 and the Legion of Honor in 2017. [. . .]

Excerpts translated by Ivette Romero. For full article (in French), see

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