“Nou La Pi Rèd! Embodying a New Praxis” (Haitian Studies Association Conference)

The Haitian Studies Association’s 32nd Annual Conference (HSA2020), Nou La Pi Rèd! Embodying a New Praxis, will take place on October 10, 2020 (Online). Keynote speakers this year are: Edwidge Danticat, Mamyrah Dougé Prosper, Gerald Horne, Regine O. Jackson, and Sabine Lamour. As president of the Haitian Studies Association Mark Schuller explains, the theme of this year’s conference, Nou la pi rèd, “is an assertion that we are here, and we are here to stay.” (See more information below.)

In Haiti and throughout the world, people are protesting against neoliberal austerity, state corruption, the shift to authoritarianism, and unbridled repression. This was how the call for proposals began, written long before COVID and George Floyd (and Breonna Taylor and countless others whose names and lives don’t receive mainstream attention). Moments such as these oblige scholars and professionals to do more than talk or write. We are compelled to come together to think critically and productively about how theory and practice intertwine and how to incite meaningful change.

We are excited to share our draft program spanning the disciplines and Haiti’s three official languages. There are several innovations this year. We are excited to invite you to the Working Sessions. Second was a very engaging Emerging Scholars webinar series, organized by student board member, now Dr. Darlène Dubuisson. In addition, all members will have the chance to participate in the Town Hall to help us chart Haitian Studies in the future.

And last but not least, the KEYNOTE… This year, instead of a single speaker, we are honored to have a conversation, with an amazing panel of keynote speakers:

The conference is free for members, and the main events (Keynote, Town Hall, and Working Sessions) will all be broadcast live on our You Tube channel. These events and the panels will be uploaded to the YouTube page later.

For more information, see https://www.haitianstudies.org/2020/09/details-about-our-2020-conference/

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