Caribbean Revealed As Most Popular Zoom Background


A report from South Florida Caribbean News.

According to Google data, the most popular Zoom background destination is the Caribbean, whilst safari backgrounds are the most popular travel landscape

With the effect of coronavirus meaning that vacation plans have had to be postponed, a lot of us are missing the ability to explore the world.

It’s perhaps unsurprising then that many people are using video calls as an opportunity to virtually travel, with vacation-style Zoom backgrounds seeing a huge 9,900% increase in searches according to Google Trends data.

 Kuoni delved into the search data to discover which destinations and landscapes are currently seeing the largest surge in popularity for virtual backgrounds.

With its beautiful beaches and sparkling waters, it may come as no surprise that the Caribbean is the most popular Zoom background right now – seeing a whopping 9,900% increase in searches. The data shows that long-haul destinations are the favourites, with just Sweden making it into the top five from Europe.

Most Popular Zoom Background Destinations 

  1. Caribbean +9,900%
  2. =Australia +9,800%
  3. =Maldives +9,800%
  4. =Vietnam +9,700%
  5. =New Zealand +9,700%
  6. =Sweden +9,700%
  7. Philippines +8,800%
  8. =Canada +8,500%
  9. =Brazil +8,500%
  10. USA +8,100%
  11. Ireland +7,200%
  12. India +6,500%
  13. Portugal +5,000%
  14. Spain +4,900%

When looking at vacation types, such as dramatic mountain scenes or serene waterfalls, it’s safari backdrops that are currently the most popular followed by mountain views and cityscapes.

According to Google data, the most popular Zoom background destination is the Caribbean, whilst safari backgrounds are the most popular travel landscape

Most Popular Zoom Background Landscapes 

  1. Safari +9,900%
  2. Mountain +9,800%
  3. Cityscape +8,100%
  4. Beach +7,800%
  5. Waterfall +6,600%
  6. Sea +6,400%
  7. Rainforest +5,000%
  8. Field +4,000%
  9. Desert +3,200%
  10. Lake +1,500%

Noticing the increase in demand, and anecdotally hearing of people using their destination imagery as video call backgrounds, luxury travel company Kuoni has released a select set of images and video to be used as Zoom backgrounds.

Kuoni has made 14 backgrounds available, 12 images and two dynamic videos, that reflect some of their most popular destinations. From Bangkok cityscapes to crystal-clear Caribbean waters, the collection offers a range of amazing travel landscapes.

James Nye from Kuoni comments: “Just a few days into lockdown we started to hear about people using our destination images as backgrounds to their video calls, to at least momentarily transport them to somewhere else in the world. Coupled with the increase in online searches for travel-inspired video call backgrounds, we wanted to release a collection that hopefully gives people a slice of their dream vacation whilst they’re at home. The collection includes some of our most popular destinations and we hope the range of landscapes means you can switch up the backgrounds depending on where you want your wanderlust to take you.”

T0 download all the backgrounds and for further information visit:

4 thoughts on “Caribbean Revealed As Most Popular Zoom Background

  1. ANCESTRY EDUCATION………..The Routes to Becoming a Slave

    There were many ways in which a man could become a slave. Some were made slaves purely because they was born in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some became slaves through an act of crime and some because the alternatives were worse than a life of slavery. Sometimes a parent might sell one of their children to satisfy a debt… no matter “how” it happened, it sucked.

    They came from any country in the Roman Empire including Britain.

    In a letter to Atticus a friend, Roman orator Cicero wrote:

    “It’s also become clear that there isn’t an ounce of silver in the island [Britain] nor any prospect of booty except slaves.”

    Slaves could be men, women, boys or girls.

    If a slave married and had children, the children would automatically become slaves.


    Caesar after the Siege of Alesia The Celts lost a crucial battle to the Romans in Telamon, Italy in 225 B.C. Even though the Celts effectively used guerilla tactics against the Romans and captured a Roman consul and waved his head on stake, their unruly hand-to-hand tactic were no match against the spears and disciplined ranks of the Romans.

    The Romans consolidated small Celtic and Teutonic kingdoms into an imperial province. The south of France was annexed by the Romans about 125 B.C. and today contains many theaters, amphitheaters, aqueducts, roads, arches, monument, mosaics and artifacts as reminders of its long Roman occupation. When Julius Caesar did his conquering, it was primarily to claim northern France for Rome.

    The Romans relied on native aristocrats to administer local governments. Many Gauls became citizens of Rome. Gallic silver, glass, pottery, food and wine were exported to Italy. At a factory near Milay in the massif Central, for example, slaves mass-produced pottery for the western half of the Roman Empire, including the entire Roman army.”

    Caesar in Gaul (France)

    Caesar Makes Rome Into an Empire

    Caesar’s campaign in Gaul allowed Rome to claim France, the Netherlands and Belgium. In campaigns early in the Civil Wars period he claimed Portugal, Spain, and Greece. With Egypt under the control of Cleopatra, Caesar set his sights on the Middle East.

    In 46 B.C., the last of Pompey’s forces were defeated in Spain. With the civil wars over Caesar was the unchallenged leader of Rome. In the meantime, Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands Belgium, Italy, Greece, Syria, Israel, western Turkey, and northern Libya were added to Rome under Caesar, making it a truly great empire.

    Colonization of Gaul (France)

    Gaul was systematically Romanized after the conquest by Caesar. Roads, aqueducts and cities with baths and theaters were built. The mixing of the Roman language of Latin and local Celtic tongues created the French tongue.

    The Romans ruled what is now France for more than 500 years. They annexed Provence in 121 B.C. and subdued the Gauls during the Gallic Wars between 58 and 51 B.C. Gaul became part of the Roman empire when Julius Caesar defeated Vercingetorix in 52 B.C. The first assembly of Gauls was held in A.D. 12. The Romans founded numerous cities and towns that remain today, including Arles, Lyon, Autun, Frejus, Orange, Nimbe, Narbonne and Vienne.

    Conquest of Britain

    Britain was conquered in A.D. 43 by four Roman legions under the crippled Emperor Claudius. In 51 the native leader Cartatcus was captured and taken to Rome. Late an insurrection led by Boudicca, queen of Iceni, was brutally put down
    Caesar invaded Britain twice. Julius Caeser invaded Britain in 55 B.C. partly in hope of “getting pearls.” [Source: Eyewitness to History, edited by John Carey, 1987, Avon Books]

    Colonization of Britain

    Many historians claim that the conquest of Britain was a big mistake. Britain had few resources other than lead and a little silver and gold. The Scots and Welsh proved to be fierce opponents and all efforts to conquer Caledonia (Scotland) ended in disappointment. Three legions were stationed in Britain, a tenth of Rome’s entire army, which meant that could not be used to protect Rome.

    The Romans occupied England for about 400 years.

    After Emperor Caldius invaded Britain in A.D. 43. Britain was made a province of the Roman Empire. The Romans expanded their empire as far north as Hadrian’s Wall near the present-day England-Scotland border.


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