New Book—Huáscar Robles’ “Puertos príncipes: temblemos todos” 


Puerto Rican journalist and photographer Huáscar Robles Carrasquillo recently published his first book Puertos príncipes: temblemos todos. This stunning book was recently presented at McNally Jackson by Arnaldo Cruz Malavé and Sibylle Fischer. Tomorrow, April 30, at 7:00pm, Robles, an Ochberg Fellow, will give a talk about his book at Columbia University, sponsored by the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma. The talk will take place at 23 Hamilton Hall (M.C. 2880) Columbia University, 1130 Amsterdam Avenue, New York.

Description: Puertos príncipes: temblemos todos is a chronicle based on assignments and photographs by Robles Carrasquillo during his time as a correspondent in Haiti for several media in January and March 2010. The first part summarizes initial reports of the earthquake, research on the border with the Dominican Republic, and the effect of international intervention on Haitian economy. In the second part, Robles reports on refugee camps and gender abuse; he also narrates the Good Friday procession along Champs de Mars. Lastly, he writes about his journey with the contemporary dance company Ayikodans to the Destination Aquin Festival in the southern town of Aquin. Throughout the text, the reporter explores the influence of international bodies and humanitarian organizations in Haiti through the decades as well as discrimination against Haitians in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, and ends with a summary of the state of Haiti five years after the earthquake.

See a CNN interview with Robles (in Spanish) at

For the Dart Center activity, see

One thought on “New Book—Huáscar Robles’ “Puertos príncipes: temblemos todos” 

  1. Ya era tiempo que alguien documentara ese punto de vista y GRACIAS A REPEATED ISLANDS por darnos esta oportunidad para agradecerlo.¡ HAITI Y Los HAITIANOS! desde que nací en Puerto Rico hablar de “los haitianos” ha sido como referirnos y transportarnos a un planeta sin nombre de habitantes obscuros que pululan por su existencia como moscas en un pasadla tropical. Para nuestros sentidos interraciales,YO SOY PRAGMATICAMENTE HABLANDO INTERRACIAL, en “PUERTORRO” TODOS LAS NACIDOS ALL LOS SOMOS A MENOS QUE….???? ESTE TRABAJO DE Huascar Robles Carrillo es seminal en su expresion tan escueta y científicamente dirigida al cuerpo del delito común conocido como el cuerpo humano y su movimiento..Yo voy a ir definitivamente a Columbia esta noche..quiero ser parte de ese proyecto que inicia Huascar Robles Carrillo. Si los que leen estos deciden ir prepárense pues Hamilton Hall es muy acogedor (COUSY). SI esta igual que la ultima vez que estuve allí. ¡HACHE PA’ TO!’


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