The Anthropology of Sparrow

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The University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT)’s Academy for Arts, Letters, Culture and Public Affairs presents:

The Anthropology of Sparrow: An Anthology of the Works of Slinger Francisco in the Age of Independence (1956-1962)

Friday February 21, 2014, 6.30 p.m.

Lord Kitchener Auditorium, National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA)

119 Frederick Street, Port of Spain

Trinidad and Tobago

This is the first in a series of tributes to be presented by UTT as a gift of celebration and appreciation to the nation of Trinidad and Tobago in 2014, UTT’s 10th year as the country’s National University.

The event is free to the public, but an invitation must be presented upon entry. For invites, please call (868) 642-8888 or 233-4888 ext. 27108 or 26202 or Invitations can be collected at the Office of the Academy for Arts, Letters, Culture and Public Affairs, The Academic Staff Building, UTT John S. Donaldson Port of Spain Creativity Campus, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain.

For more information about the event, call The Academy at the above numbers or e-mail address.

Sources: and

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