New Book: Félix Jiménez’s “Serenos, semejantes”

Serenos, semejantes [Serene, Similar], which has just been published by Editorial La secta de los perros (2012), is a new collection by poet and essayist Félix Jiménez.

José Quiroga describes the book: “Serenos, semejantes appears like an imprint on a pillow, the trace of someone who slept in a house before escaping. This is a book about transit, movement, escapes and textures. Through it, we realize, again, that Felix Jiménez—one of the most brilliant essayists known [today], has always been primarily a poet. Its two sections, like a binomial (black stone on white stone) delineates the architecture of a love that has no reason to dare speak its name, if it has been known forever, and perhaps it is not one but several. From ‘song of noise and independent agencies’ to ‘(s.)’ at the end of the book, Serenos, semejantes composes a necessary range, for a work that is yet unknown.”

Félix Jiménez is professor of cultural studies at the University of the Sacred Heart in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He has been visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York and a visiting professor and lecturer at several universities in the United States and Puerto Rico. He studied comparative literature at Yale University and has written for The Nation, The Village Voice and The Washington Post, among other publications; he worked as an editorial producer of CNN news. Among his books are Las prácticas de la carne: construcción y representación de las masculinidades puertorriqueñas, La cultura material del deseo: objetos, desplazamientos, and Vieques y la prensa: el idilio fragmentado. He is in the process of writing his next book Audioeuforia: fonografías e interferencías.

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