CPA Summer School Application Deadline: March 31


The Application

Please complete the Application Form and submit it by March 31st before midnight EST.

Who Should Apply

While our target audience for the CPA Summer School at UCONN is graduate

students at all stages, advanced undergraduates, faculty, and independent

scholars are also very welcome to participate.

For members of the CPA, philosophy is conceived, not as an isolated academic

discipline, but as rigorous theoretical reflection about fundamental problems

faced by humanity. Understood in this way, Caribbean philosophy is a

transdisciplinary form of interrogation informed by scholarly knowledges as well

as by practices and artistic expressions that elucidate fundamental questions that

emerge in contexts of discovery,conquest, racial, gender, and sexual domination,

genocide, dependency, and exploitation as well as freedom, emancipation, and

decolonization. Reflection about these areas often appears in philosophical texts,

but also in a plethora of other genres such as literature, music, and historical

writings. The CPA invites theoretical engagements with all such questions,

thematic areas, and genres with emphasis on any given discipline or field, but

with a common interest in shifting the geography of reason,by which we mean

approaching the Caribbean and the Global South in general as zones of

sustainable practices and knowledges.

Logistics and Fees

May 31-June 6

Graduate Students:

Housing $305, meals $250, field trips/celebration $45, school fees $600

Advanced Undergraduates:

Housing $305, meals $250, field trips/celebration $45, school fees $600


Housing $305, meals $250, field trips/celebration $45, school fees $800

UCONN Graduate Students:

Housing $0, meals $0, field trips/celebration $30, school fees $15

UCONN Undergraduates:

Housing $0, meals $0, field trips/celebration $30, school fees $15

UCONN Faculty:

Housing $0, meals $0, field trips/celebration $45, school fees $30

If you will be flying to UCONN, you should fly into Hartford’s Bradley Airport on

May 31st by 2p.m. and fly from there on June 6th after 2p.m. We will arrange to

pick you up. You can also take the bus or train into Hartford’s Union Station.

The Certificate of Completion

Everyone who participates in the full week of the CPA Summer School at

UCONN will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the summer school.

Important Dates
Deadline to Apply:  March 31, 2015 by midnight EST
Deadline for Summer School Deposit:  April 30, 2015
Deadline for Remaining Summer School Fees:  May 15, 2015


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