After years of being anti-gay, Puerto Rican politician comes out of the closet


Nude photos of Roberto Arango had previously shown up on Grindr leading him to resign from office in 2011, Greg Hernandez reports in this article for Gay Star News. Follow the link below for a video of Arango’s interview.

Former Puerto Rican Senator Roberto Arango has publicly come out as gay nearly four years after a nude Grindr photo scandal drove him from office.

Arango had aligned himself with conservative religious coalition and had a long history of anti-gay votes and actively worked against legalizing civil unions for same-sex couples.

On Friday (7 March), he officially came out in an interview with radio station Noti UNO.

He was asked by a reporter: ‘Isn’t it time for you to state whether or not you are a homosexual?’

Arango replied that the day he is asked the question, he will have nothing to hide.

So the reporter asked more directly: ‘Are you a homosexual?’

The former senator said: ‘Yes.’

He then added: ‘And on top of that I am a businessman. On top of that I am a father, I am a brother, I am a son. On top of that I like doing community work and volunteering. On top of that I like helping different communities. I like it and I am someone who likes to bring changes and progress and to give opportunities to those who want it.’

Arango said it was after his 2011 resignation from the Senate that he finally began to accept himself.

In recalling Arango’s previous anti-gay behavior in public life, Blabbeando reports that during a political rally in 2004, he mocked a San Juan mayoral candidate by implying he was gay.

For the original report go to

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