Caribbean Film Bazaar Opens in Cuba


The first movie market in the Caribbean will attract to this capital people related to the cinematographic sector with proposals of new looks to a reality minimized by the cultural industry, as Prensa Latina reports.

This unprecedented bazaar coincides with the Travelling Caribbean Film Exhibition, which president, Cuban director Rigoberto Lopez, described as necessary to give more visibility to the creators of the region.

The international event promotes movies produced by authors from the region and will allow to festival directors, exhibitors, distributors and film lovers to enjoy of the Caribbean work.

Feature films, documentaries and cartoons produced by Caribbean moviemakers from 2000 to 2012 will be available also for entrepreneurs interested in co-produce.

According to organizers, the event will also allow the signature of agreements and negotiations for the exhibition of these films in circuits more commercial than alternative.

At the same time, the Travelling Caribbean Film Exhibition gets to this capital with 21 movies from June 12 to 17.

In statements to Prensa Latina, Lopez said the Exhibition is necessary, among other reasons, because it brings to a public like Cuban, which is a movie connoisseur, the richness of a zone paradoxically close and strange.

The African heritage is the common denominator in the Caribbean and what ties us culturally, despite the diversity in languages and races, he added.

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