Largest Underwater Volcanoes: Kick ‘em Jenny, Caribbean Sea

An article/gallery on the world’s largest underwater volcanoes lists Kick e’ Jenny off the coast of Grenada. You can click on the link below to see the complete gallery.

Kick ’em Jenny is an underwater volcano 8 kilometer off the northern coast of the island of Grenada in the Caribbean. She has erupted at least 10 times since discovery in 1939 and has provided scientists with a rare opportunity to learn about the growth and gradual development of submarine volcanoes into islands. The name Kick ’em Jenny is probably a reference to the force with which she erupted in 1939. Then, sizeable rocks were thrown as high as 300meter above the sea’s level. Kick ’em Jenny is part of a chain of volcanoes known as the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc.

This arc is associated with a subduction zone at the eastern boundary of the Caribbean Plate. It is the southern-most active volcano in this arc, and is also the only active submarine volcano there. The summit of Kick ’em Jenny lay at 180-190meter below sea level.

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One thought on “Largest Underwater Volcanoes: Kick ‘em Jenny, Caribbean Sea

  1. Kick ’em Jenny is half way between the sister islands of Grenada and Carriacou; people avoid taking the relatively inexpensive ferry trip between the two because of the rough waves crreated by the underwater volcanoe. I visited Carriacou many times when researching the Shakespeare Mas’ during carnival but have never taken the ferry.


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