London’s best Caribbean restaurants, according to chef Marie Mitchell

Leonie Cooper (TimeOut) shares recommendations from chef Marie Mitchell for best Caribbean restaurants. She reviews Fish, Wings & Tings and Veg & Tings (Brixton), Roti Stop (Stamford Hill), Rhythm Kitchen(Walthamstow), Mauby by Jerk Off BBQ (Brockley), and Mixed Blessings (Tooting). See full article and related photos at TimeOut. Chef Mitchell is the author of Kin: Caribbean Recipes for the Modern Kitchen. [We will share a post about it soon. Many thanks to Peter Jordens for bringing this item to our attention.]

Marie Mitchell started hosting hype-worthy Caribbean supper clubs across London almost a decade ago. First was family affair Pop’s Kitchen and then roti-and-rum favourite, Island Social Club. Now it’s time for the chef’s debut cookbook, Kin, a celebration of the food that made her.

‘I’ve always enjoyed writing and wanted to use it as a chance for me to really understand who I am and where I come from,’ explains Marie. ‘So much of what we learn about black history, and specifically Caribbean or African history is very much through osmosis through our family – we don’t learn about it in school.’ Raised in south London by Jamaican parents, Marie’s book features curries her father used to cook, as well as dishes that bring West Indian cultures together, such as the Sri Lankan-rooted Colombo chicken curry, Cuban mojo sauce, and chutney inspired by Indo-Caribbean communities in Guyana and Trindad and Tobago. 

But don’t expect Marie to be opening up her own place anytime soon. ‘I actually never had any designs to have a restaurant,’ she says. ‘When I ended up with one for when we had the long term residency with Island Social Club (at the now closed Curio Cabal in Haggerston), I was like – how did this happen?!’ So the only way to taste the flavours of Kin is to get the book and cook them yourself. In the meantime, try one of Marie Mitchell’s favourite Caribbean restaurants in London.  [. . .]

For full article, go to

[Photo above by Christian Cassiel.]

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