Exhibition: “Sanando mis inocentes”

La Perla del Sur announced a new solo exhibition of prints by Puerto Rican artist Joyce De Jesús Martínez, “Sanando mis inocentes” [Healing my innocents], which opened on June 8 at Casa Silvana in Humacao, Puerto Rico. This exhibition, on view through June 22, is part of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture’s Poli/Gráfica de Puerto Rico: América Latina y el Caribe

[. . .] This series of prints, made in 2023 and 2024, deal with the loss and reconstruction of innocence, indicated the artist.

To create her pieces, De Jesús Martínez used her own photos and those of her relatives to begin a research process that allowed her to choose the method, medium, size and symbols that she would use in each work. She also integrated nature.

“It was also a world where my family and I, my innocents, were powerful and protected by nature,” stated the artist, who holds a master’s degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Drawing and Painting from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in Ponce.

Since 2014, the artist has used hair as raw material for her works, which are textured and sculptural. In her most recent series, she fuses classic line drawing with hair or hair printing.

Casa Silvana is located in the Mambiche Prieto neighborhood of Humacao. For more information, you may call 787-240-4603 or 787-285-6053.

Excerpts translated by Ivette Romero. For the original article (in Spanish), see https://www.periodicolaperla.com/gente/nueva-exposicion-de-joyce-de-jesus-martinez-en-casa-silvana/

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