Thais Herrera, first Dominican woman to conquer Mount Everest

This is thrilling news! Climber Thais Herrera reached the Mount Everest summit yesterday, 21 May 2024, at 10:10pm (EST). The feat was shared through her social networks. Here are translated excerpts from Diario Libre.

Dominican mountaineer Thais Herrera has just reached the top of Mount Everest, thus becoming the first Dominican woman to climb the highest elevation on the planet. The ascent occurred at 10:10 pm this Tuesday (Dominican time), when the woman from Quisqueya managed to climb the 8,849 meters high. She joins Iván Gómez and Karin Mella as the only Dominicans to achieve the feat.

Herrera, who, in early March climbed Mera Peak in Nepal (6,400 meters high), was also at the time the first Dominican woman to achieve this feat, in her preparation process for climbing Everest.

Thais, in addition to being a mountaineer, is a triathlete, philanthropist, and the first Dominican woman to complete an Ironman, an event that has been successfully completed six times so far.

Excerpts translated by Ivette Romero. For full article, see, and

[Photo above from]

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