Antonio Martorell hosts tour of the exhibition inspired by Lola Rodríguez de Tió

El Vocero announced that Antonio Martorell’s exhibition “¡Ay Lola, Lola! / Arte Sacralizante” [Oh Lola, Lola! / Sacred Art] will be on view indefinitely at the Porta Coeli Museum of Religious Art in San Germán, Puerto Rico. Maestro Martorell will offer a guided a tour of the exhibition on Sunday, February 25, at 2:00pm, at the Porta Coeli Museum. The museum is located at the corner of Ramas and Dr. Veve Streets, at the town’s public square, Plaza Santo Domingo. [Also see previous posts Ay, Lola, Lola: Sacred Art and ICP La Campechada.]

Martorell previously explained to El Vocero, “The title of the exhibition is Ay Lola con H y sin H, because ‘ay Lola,’ how it hurts that such an important figure is not as present as it deserves in our daily lives. ‘Hay Lola con H’ [There is Lola with an H (hay)] because Lola is with us for a long time. She was an advanced woman, a feminist before the term feminism, a brave woman, a creator, poet, political activist, defender of the freedom of her homeland, [and] creator of the revolutionary national anthem, which was later buried and forgotten under the insipid lyrics of Manuel Fernández Juncos, which is the anthem that we have inherited.”

The exhibition was part of La Campechada in November 2023, which was dedicated to Lola Rodríguez de Tió. Due to its reception, the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture and its Museums and Parks Program decided to extend its stay at the Porta Coeli Museum of Religious Art for an indefinite period.

This exhibition is a selection of works by the artist, sculptor, engraver, communicator, and performer, which includes several portraits of Rodríguez de Tió. In tune with the religious theme, other paintings and sculptures relate to the sacred from thematic and formal approaches. [. . .]

Excerpts translated by Ivette Romero. For full article (in Spanish), see

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