Gian Maria Volonté to be Remembered in Cuba

Gian Maria Volonte - Indio

The Charles Chaplin cinema, located in Havana, will host since next Tuesday a cinematographic exhibition to recall the figure of the famous Italian actor Gian Maria Volonte.

It is a great feeling to finally be in a country that my father loved and defended so much, ¨ said to reporters Giovanna Gravina Volonté, daughter of the interpreter of ¨A Fistful of dollars.¨

This event, under the auspices of Cinematheque of Cuba, will run until February 19th in Havana, and then the central province of Sancti Spiritus will be the its new venue, and there it will be extended to some mountain communities to end on February 22nd.

The film ¨Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion” by Elio Petri opens the projections, which include twenty emblematic titles, such as ¨Tirano Banderas¨, ¨Sacco and Vanzetti¨, ¨ Christ stopped at Eboli¨ and ¨Acts of Marusia¨, the latter by Chilean Miguel Littin.

Antonio Mazon Robau, scheduler of the institution, highlighted the social and political commitment of Volonté, who was, according to him, for Cubans an emblematic figure of European films in the 1960s and 70s.

Volonté, recognized as an “actor-author,” developed a peculiar way to dive into his characters, and so he had memorable performances as in ¨Working Class Goes to Heaven¨ and ¨ Giordano Bruno, ¨ films that moviegoers could enjoy again after more than 20 years of absence from the Cuban theaters.

As part of the tribute, which has the backing of the Italy-Cuba Friendship National Association (Ravenna section), it will be open an exhibition with posters of Volonté´s films and the performance of musician Gianluigi Tartaull .

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