‘The Honey Man’: Absorbing tale of friendship

AN ABSORBING tale of an unlikely friendship comes to England’s Peak District next week. New Perspectives Theatre Company’s latest production The Honey Man will be performed in the school hall at Bishop Pursglove School in Tideswell on Thursday May 10.

The play is a fascinating and beautifully-detailed account of the friendship that develops one summer between Misty, a 15-year-old girl who lives in the local manor house, and Honey Man, an ‘ancient’ Afro-Caribbean man who occupies a derelict cottage on the edge of the village.

As their friendship grows through the summer, discover how their lives and families are strangely entwined.

This is a tale of growing up and growing old, of individual responsibility and shared history, of beekeeping and dying bees, healing herbs and just a little magic.

Doors open at 7pm, ahead of the start of the performance at 7.30pm.

The Honey Man is suitable for adults and children over the age of 12.

Tickets, priced £9.50 and £7.50 (concessions), are available from Tideswell Post Office and Litton Shop. Bookings can also be made by emailing theatre@tideswell.net or telephoning 01298 871063.

The play is brought to the village through Live and Local, the Arts Council and local authority supported scheme to bring top theatre to communities.

For the original report go to http://www.buxtonadvertiser.co.uk/lifestyle/absorbing-tale-of-friendship-1-4518564

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