Cardinal Felix (Kelvin Edward Felix, 1933-2024)

Cardinal Felix (Kelvin Edward Felix) was born in Dominica, on February 15, 1933, and passed away in St Lucia, on May 30, 2024, at the age of 91. Here we share excerpts from the article “Archbishop Malzaire on Cardinal Felix’s legacy” (from Dominica News Online). The Government of Dominica accorded an official funeral to the late Cardinal Felix, and, on June 12, 2024, the Mass of Christian Burial for the late Cardinal took place at the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Castries, St. Lucia.

Also see the included attachment of a compilation of related online news, tributes, and broadcasts from May 30 to June 20, 2024, by our collaborator based in Curaçao, Peter Jordens.

From Dominica News Online:

Archbishop Gabriel Malzaire has said His Eminence Cardinal Kelvin Felix will be remembered as a man of unity, leading the church’s indispensable mission to ecumenism in the Antilles region. Malzaire presented the homily during the Memorial Mass for the late Cardinal Felix which took place at the Cathedral Chapel on Wednesday.

Cardinal Felix passed away in Castries on May 30, 2024, at the age of 91.

“We are gathered here to bid farewell to our beloved son of the Dominican soil who has done just that, he has laid down his life for his Caribbean people and he did so with such distinction that the Holy Father Francis saw it fit to elevate him with the honour of the Cardinalate,” Malzaire said. “We cannot not appreciate the sacrifice that this man of God has made for the sake of God’s people in the Diocese of Roseau, in the Caribbean, and in the world.”

He continued, “He will be remembered as a man of unity, leading the church’s indispensable mission to ecumenism in the Antilles region, a mission which presently is crying out for much-needed attention.”

Malzaire added, “He will be remembered as a humble servant of God who despite his ranks wanted to be addressed simply as Father Felix.”

Malzaire’s message came from the book of Job which introduces a new perspective of the divine-human relationship. “It is a story of the complete loss and deprivation in the life of the man of faith, seemingly, a sort of punishment and ending eventually in the overwhelming divine response of complete restoration of what was lost.”

He said, “Never having turned away from God despite the councils of his friends, Job in the end enjoyed the benefit of God’s total clemency.” Inspired by the spirituality that surrounds the story of Job, Malzaire situated the life and commitment of Cardinal Felix within the context of the world in which we live. [. . .]

Meanwhile, Malzaire pointed out that Cardinal Felix’s tomb will be a permanent fixture in the Cathedral yard to remind the entire faithful of the Diocese of Roseau and other visitors that, “there stands among us one who has risen to the highest ecclesiastical office simply by his quest to imitate the one who called him from his mother’s womb 91 years ago.”

The Government of Dominica accorded an official funeral to the late Cardinal Felix. This recognition highlights the profound impact he had on both the Church and the country. The entire nation mourns the loss of this esteemed spiritual leader, and flags across Dominica fly at half-staff in recognition of his invaluable contribution to both Church and country.

On June 12, 2024, the Mass of Christian Burial for the late Cardinal took place at the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Castries, St. Lucia. The ceremony was attended by dignitaries, clergy, and mourners who came to honor his life and service. This was preceded by a prayer vigil and tributes at the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Castries, St. Lucia, on June 11, 2024. Friends, clergy, and faithful followers had gathered to pay their respects and celebrate his life. The vigil service was a solemn occasion, where heartfelt prayers and memories were shared.

In accordance with Cardinal Felix’s wishes, his mortal remains were transferred to Dominica for burial. On June 15, 2024, his body arrived at the Ferry Terminal in Roseau, Dominica. The Cathedral grounds in Roseau have become the final resting place for this esteemed spiritual leader. Cardinal Felix’s invaluable contribution to the Church and the nation will forever be remembered. His unwavering commitment to social justice, compassion, and action inspired by faith, love, and service, left an indelible mark.

Born on February 15, 1933, in Roseau, Dominica, Kelvin Edward Felix, OBE, SLMH, DAH, served as the Roman Catholic Archbishop Emeritus of Castries, St Lucia. His journey to priesthood began with his ordination on April 8, 1956. He left the West Indies in 1962 for St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, where he pursued a Diploma in Adult Education. He later earned a master’s degree from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana in Sociology and Anthropology in 1967 and completed post-graduate studies in Sociology at the University of Bradford in England in 1970.

Felix was consecrated as the Archbishop on October 5, 1981, and served as the President of the Antilles Episcopal Conference from 1991 to 1997 and the Caribbean Conference of Churches from 1981 to 1986. He was also a member of the Roman Curia. As the Metropolitan of the Province of Castries, Archbishop Felix was responsible for 33 primary schools, two secondary schools, one girls’ vocational school, two homes for the elderly, one shelter for the homeless, and an orphanage for young children.

In 2006, Felix survived a knife attack at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Castries. As he approached his retirement age, Felix requested that the Vatican appoint a co-adjutor archbishop to ensure a smooth transition in the Archdiocese. On July 19, 2007, Bishop Robert Rivas of the Diocese of Kingstown was appointed Co-adjutor Archbishop of the Diocese of Castries.

Pope Francis made Felix a cardinal on February 22, 2014, for his service to the church. He is the Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria della Salute a Primavalle. The Archbishop was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Laws in 1986 from St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia, and was appointed an Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II in 1992. In 1999, he was awarded Dominica’s highest honour, the Dominica Award of Honour for Meritorious Service by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica. In 2002 he received the Medal of Honour (Gold) (SLMH) of the Order of St. Lucia for services to Religion from the Government of St. Lucia on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the country’s independence, for having rendered eminent service of national importance to Saint Lucia.

His Eminence Kelvin Cardinal Felix’s contributions to the church and society will be remembered and cherished. His passing is a significant loss to the Catholic community and all who knew him. May his soul rest in peace.

For full article, see


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