Sunshine Awards announce 2011 nominees

The Sunshine Awards Organisation has announced the nominees for the 23rd Annual Sunshine Awards, the T&T Guardian reports.
According to co-founder of the Sunshine Awards Hall of Fame, Dr Hollis “Chalkdust” Liverpool, “Every year, Sunshine Awards brings a bit of sunshine into the lives of those steelband and calypso artists and friends of the arts with a view to lighting up their path, that we the citizens of the world may see the contributions they have made to our social life. “This year 2011 then, is no exception. The artists chosen unreservedly deserve the light that shines on their good works and will certainly shine on their works to come.”  This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, October 22, at the AXA Equitable Center, 787 Seventh Avenue and 51st Street in New York City.


Mungal Patasar of Trinidad and Tobago will receive the Sunshine Award for his contribution to music and culture. Patasar over the years has combined classical Indian music with the African music traditions of T&T to produce what he calls the: Pantar music.

William Munro of Trinidad and Tobago will receive the Friend of the Arts Award for his contribution to the performing arts.  Munro with his over 30 years of promoting the performing arts is often described as a cultural addict and a true friend of the calypso art form.

Edward “Teddy” Pinheiro of Trinidad and Tobago will receive the Friend of the Arts Award for his in depth study and research of the various art forms.  Teddy is often described as the human library where all the information about carnival and calypso can be obtained.

Aubrey “Lacu” Samuel of Antigua will receive the Sunshine Award for his 25 years of contribution to steelband music. Lacu has arranged for many steelband orchestras including the National Youth Pan Orchestra of Antigua, the Villa Point Primary School of Antigua and the Antigua Grammar School.  In addition, he has worked with many steelband artists and arrangers from Trinidad and Tobago including Boogsie Sharpe and Earl Brooks.

James Delia of the United States will receive the Sunshine Award for his contribution to Humanity and Haiti.  Delia, an attorney in New Jersey, and a member of the Y’s World Service Committee, facilitates annually a week- long soccer camp with the children of the YMCA d ‘Haiti.  He is also an active member of the United States State Department Youth Ambassador Programme. This programme focuses on youth development in Haiti and sponsors teenagers to the United States to develop leadership skills.  Additionally, Jim leads a team of individuals and organizations with the specific purpose of helping Haiti.  So far, this year, they have already collected and delivered 250,000 pairs of jeans and 12 shipping containers with building materials to Haiti.

Sidiki Conde of Guinea, West Africa will receive the Sunshine Awards for African Dance and Humanity.  At the age of 14, Sidiki Conde lost the use of his legs as a result of polio. In his village in Guinea, West Africa, disabled people commonly were banished from their homes as it was believed that they would bring shame or bad luck upon their family, and so Sidiki was sent to his grandfather’s village deep in the forest.  Sidiki, rising to the challenges of disability, reconstructed the traditional steps in order to use his hands instead of his feet.  Today he travels the world as a Guinean dancer and facilitates workshops in public schools to help disabled children.

Winston Fleary 
of Carriacou will receive the Sunshine Award for his fifty years of contribution to Caribbean/African dance and culture.  Fleary and his group of dancers have performed for many diverse audiences around the world and he is credited for promoting the origin of dance to the African drums.  Fleary is also considered an icon of the Grenadian Cultural Heritage Movement.

Rudy Bishop of Guyana will receive the Sunshine Award for culture.  Bishop has been involved in the steelband movement of Guyana since the early 1960s.  He is described by journalist, Ruel Johnson as “a man of many talents”. Godfrey Chin described him as “an indefatigable hustler, entrepreneur, missionary, diplomat, conductor, a veritable Steelband Moses.” Bishop spends his life focusing on community development.  He founded the Chronicle Symphony Orchestra which is comprised of teenagers and young college students.  He takes great pride in channeling the youth of today to a path that leads to success in whatever field they choose to specialize. Bishop’s community involvement further underscores the importance of music to human development.

NOMINEEs for 2011 sunshine awards hall of fame

Patrick Arnold of Trinidad and Tobago—has been involved in the steelband movement of Trinidad and Tobago for over 30 years.  He was also the one time president of Pan Trinbago Inc., is a non-profit organization incorporated in Trinidad and Tobago dedicated to the promotion and development of the steelpan and panists worldwide. The organisation has been recognised nationally and internationally for its excellent work spanning several decades.

Cyril Diaz (Deceased) of Trinidad and Tobago—a musician from the 1940s to the 1960s. Diaz musical talent and playing style was very instrumental in enhancing the quality of recording productions.  He showed the world that calypso music was world class or on the same level with the more popular forms of artistic compositions.  He is known for performing the most difficult and complicated musical arrangements.

John “Buddy” Williams of Trinidad and Tobago—led a calypso band in the 1930s and 1940s. As a saxophonist he enhanced the beautiful melodies of calypso and showed the world that calypso music is world class.  Additionally, as a bandleader, many found solace and special moments of leisure as they danced to his music in the dancehalls of Trinidad and Tobago.

Ortniel Bacchus (Tobago Crusoe)—of Trinidad and Tobago, a performing artist, composer, musician, emcee and master of the art form of calypso for over 30 years.  He is regarded by many as an extempo genius and ranks with the best in the arts.  His compositions are unique and very thought provoking.  His ability to address the issues of the day in song, forces the public to always be on the lookout for his new releases.  Tobago Crusoe’s passion for the art form of calypso music underscored his performances with excellence and pride.

Judge Verne Hodge of the United States Virgin Island—has for many years used the steelband as a way of reforming children at risk. Instead of fines and jail sentences, he has, as it were, “sentenced/ordered” them into the pan yard. There, they learn life skills to assist their reform thereby making themselves useful citizens of the Virgin Islands.

For the original report go to

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