New bid to erect Columbus statue in Puerto Rico

Christopher Columbus is on the move again in the New World, after numerous rejections in a nearly two-decade quest to find him a suitable spot, the Associated Press reports. A towering statue of the explorer — twice the height of the Statue of Liberty without its pedestal and shunned by several U.S. cities — might be erected on Puerto Rico’s north coast. It would be the tallest structure in the U.S. Caribbean territory. The chosen spot is near the coastal town of Arecibo, José González, administrator of Holland Group Ports Investments, told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “It already was inspected by the artist and approved by him,” González said. He declined to identify the specific location. Although the site has been chosen, several permits must be approved before the project can go forward, Gonzalez said, declining further comment.

It was unclear who picked the site and authorized the statue’s move. González’s company runs the port where the colossal statue is stored. Arecibo Mayor Lemuel Soto did not return calls for comment.

The statue was created by Zurab Tsereteli, a controversial Russian sculptor. The nearly 300-foot (90-meter) bronze creation shows Columbus at the wheel of a tiny ship with three billowing sails behind him. It weighs 660 tons (599 metric tons). Tsereteli built it in 1991 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ 1492 arrival in the Western Hemisphere. It was given to Puerto Rico as a gift after New York, Miami, Baltimore and other cities refused to accept, for reasons ranging from cost to appearance. The Baltimore Sun called it “From Russia with Ugh.”

After arriving in Puerto Rico, the statue drew more criticism. Some people said the arms are too long, the head too small and the one-handed greeting pose silly. The original plan was to erect the statue in Cataño, a suburb of San Juan. But residents protested because the plan called for demolishing several dozen homes to make room for it, and problems arose with airplane flight paths.

The statue was then proposed for Mayagüez, but an appropriate location was never found. It has been in storage there for two years, said González, whose company runs the Mayaguez port. Puerto Rico’s government has estimated it would cost more than $20 million to assemble the statue’s 2,750 pieces.

For the original Associated Press report go to

Image above: “The Inflatable Head of Columbus,” 2006, parodies a failed Christopher Columbus monument in Puerto Rico. The statue, designed by Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli, was rejected by several U.S. cities before arriving in Cataño, Puerto Rico, costing the towns millions of dollars in shipping alone. However, finances collapsed, the Mayor of Cataño (Edwin “el Amolao” Sierra) resigned for psychological reasons and the controversial project was never erected. Today, Columbus lies fragmented in thousands of pieces of bronze, deteriorating in an outdoor lot next to the Bacardi Factory in Cataño. The only recognizable feature of the statue had been the giant Head. To commemorate the 500-year anniversary of the Death of Christopher Columbus (May 20, 2006), Miguel Luciano installed an inflatable replica in the Plaza Colón (Columbus Plaza) of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Photo from

Image below: Model for Tsereteli’s work from

3 thoughts on “New bid to erect Columbus statue in Puerto Rico

  1. this is a slap to the face of all humans being who stood and still stand in the new world he is not was not will not ever be some one who any one should look up to if they really want to erect this statue they should take it to Spain or Italy those country will want that peace of junk please spare us.


  2. Colombus was directly responsible for extensive slave trade, and particularly sex slave trade with minors. Who in their right minds would want to remember such a pervert, what to speak of erecting a monument of his nasty self?


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