New Book: “Tobacco Counterpoint”

Tobacco Counterpoint: Cuba and the Global Habano, by Jean Stubbs, was published this year by Amaurea Press.  

Description: A collection of articles on Cuban tobacco and its global history.

Jean Stubbs has published widely on Cuba, with a specialist interest in tobacco, class, race, gender, nation and migration. In 1985, she established her place as a pre-eminent historian of Cuban tobacco with the publication of Tobacco on the Periphery (a new expanded edition of which was published by Amaurea Press in 2023). Her foundational work on Cuban tobacco, and especially the Havana cigar (or ‘Habano’), led her to trace cultivation, trade, manufacture, labour and consumption on a regional and global scale, linking commodity and migration histories, drawing on sociological, anthropological and agronomic approaches, as well as archival and oral history.

Now, for the first time, her extensive writings on Cuban tobacco have been collected into a single volume, containing her tobacco-related articles published between 1982 and 2024.

Tobacco Counterpoint, Jean Stubbs

ISBN 9781914278693 (paperback)
£29.95 / €34.95 / $39.95

ISBN 9781914278716 (eBook)
£14.99 / €17.99 / $18.99

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